

 What a super  awesome  day it was, I went to the Classic flyers  , had a ride in there fire Truck  and had a fun time  Checking  out the old Aeroplanes. 

Discovery Group

 What a  boomer of a  day, we walked  around the  base of the Mount, saw 5 Seals lots of people  running,  then  went  to  the  Mount  Hot pools  for a relaxing  soak. 

Matariki Disco

 I had a great day at our Matariki Disco, the music was pumping and I danced my socks off, we had a really yummy Hangi lunch just to make the day more special.


far out I really like my days out at Sailability, the water was nice and calm the sun was shining and I got to hang out with my mates.  

Community Outing

 Today was fun going out exploring  the Matariki  trail,  both  in the Mount  and  then  to Tauranga. 

Mount hot pools

What a awesome day that I spent out with the discovery group. We went for a swim at the mount pools and then had a picnic lunch at pilot bay before going for a wander down the board walk and through the park. 

Community outing

 It  was a nice relaxing morning out at the park, a chance for me and the guys to practise the kapahaka in the beautiful sunshine.